Tuesday, February 5, 2019


The readers and subscribers to CORRUPTION INTERNATIONAL GROUP'S internet and print forensic Reports by now are fully apprised of the serial sexual deviant activities of DR. JOHN SIEBERT.

Siebert has been a sexual abuser of his medical patients for about 20 years. Siebert has engaged in acts towards female victim patients including overdosing them with contra indicated narcotics, engaging in sexual deviant acts in hospital rooms, examining rooms and other hospital locations. Siebert has done this at NYU LANGONE, MANHATTAN EYE AND EAR, LENOX HILL, NY EYE-EAR INFIRMARY, OFFICES OF DR. GLEN JELKS, DR. SHERIL ASTON, DR. DAN BAKER AND OTHER DOCTORS WHO TOOK SIEBERT IN AS A TENANT AFTER HE WAS FIRED FROM ALL NEW YORK HOSPITALS AND EVICTED FROM HIS MEDICAL OFFICES AT 799 PARK AVE THAT SIEBERT STOLE FROM YET ANOTHER DOCTOR, MICHEL HOGAN.

Siebert was convicted in or about 2007 at NYU Langone Internal Hearings of sexually abusing Diane Kleiman and others, and he was terminated. He soon after was fired from all other NY Hospitals for sexual abuses of multiple patients and overdosing them with narcotics. Siebert was also accused by a "Ms. Rachel" of engaging in sexual exploitation of children (both boys and girls). Siebert sexually abused Linda M, Muriel Karass, Mrs. C. Zimmerman, Kleiman and others.

NY State Department of Health opened a case against Siebert, launched by Jean Bressler Esq., and Investigator Abby Gordon, and about twelve Siebert victim/patients testified. Siebert was Convicted and he confessed in 2012 to being "MORALLY UNFIT" to be a medical doctor. Siebert was barred from practicing Medicine in NY State. He then was evicted from his NYC Apartment, foreclosed on his NY Office and foreclosed and evicted from a Connecticut home.

Siebert was then investigated by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, where that agency placed Siebert in the Pedophile Darabase.

Siebert also during this period of time from about 1995 to 2005 was engaged in looting many by engaging in fraudulent acts of money laundering, swindles, fakery, bogus loans, bank fraud, extortion, and willful deception. Siebert from 1998 embezzled $2million from Mrs. Zimmerman; $550,000.00 from Richard Jacobs; $3Million from Bayberry Capital and Ben Ossman: looted over $4Million from Couri Acquisition Corp., stole Jim Couri's 50% interest in Freedom Wireless Corp and Celexus Corp.; and stole the contractual services of Mr. Couri and other affilliated Companies. Siebert also engaged in forgery, fraud, perjury, and bribery of Judge Paul Wooten (a disgraced Brooklyn "hack" who bought his NY County and Kings County Judgeship from Clarence Norman and State Sen. John Sampson, both now in prison for selling NY and Kings County Judgeships).

Siebert formed a racketeering association with ringleaders George and Antonia Pavia who orchestrated a RICO enterprise of looting over $100Million contractually due to Mr. Couri and his family. Siebert, with the aid of George Pavia and corrupt lawyers KENNETH V. GOMEZ, JOSEPH M. BURKE orchestrated (with the aid of Judge Joan Madden, App. Judge Louis Gonzalez, and others) a STING of mamouth proportions using the state courts in NYC and California to engage in this $100million heist.

Meanwhile, Siebert was hired by UW Hospital (Wisconsin) and again began his larceny and sexual perversions with UW Patients. UW refused to terminate Siebert although they knew of Siebert's past and his frauds re "PARRY RHOMBERG SYNDROME, groundless surgeries and malpractice. Siebert then met Diane Hendriks, a woman of about 70 years of age whos husband died in a freak fall and left Diane with $5BILLION.

Siebert provided a face lift at UW Hospital for Hendriks and began a sexual affair while Siebert's wife of 30 years, Kimberly waited at home in Baraboo, WI.

Hendriks also made Siebert a "Researcher" for her Company HENDRIKS HOLDINGS, and used her political clout to derail expose news reports about Siebert's criminal acts. Hendrik intimidated and bamboozled the Journal Sentinel News and reporter John Fauber, and caused a detailed Fauber expose to be aborted. However, the efforts of Siebert's victims caused Fauber to write a "watered-down" Siebert expose.

All the while many Siebert victims implored UW Hospital to terminaqte Siebert but UW claimed that "SIEBERT IS REFORMED":  SUCH ALLOWED SIEBERT TO MOLEST AND VICTOMIZE OTHER UW VICTIM/PATIENTS.

Now on 2-1-10, another Siebert victim at UW Hospital filed a litigation in Wisconsin Dane County Court, Case #19CV384, charging Siebert with malpractice, improper sexual advances and verbal statements. The plaintiff's name is KERI ANNE CONNAUGHTY.


Sadly, Henderiks used her clout to allow a criminal, Dr. John W. Siebert, to continue his Harvy Weinstein style crimes.

All the while Siebert has been active in NYC and California engaging in murder threats, bribery, perjury and acting as part of a RICO enterprise embezzling Mr. Couri's Contract Rights (granted to Mr. Couri in 2003, UNCONDITIONALLY). Siebert has engaged in racketeering with RICO Actors, including Shaun Murphy Esq. of Slovak, Baron Empy Esqs., David Richardson Esq., Sulemeyer Kupitz and fixed judges. Such activities include mail and wire fraud, retaliation, while Siebert is also subject to a 3-year Restraining Order issued and granted in Superior Court in Riverside County, after Siebert's emails were captured between Siebert and Joe Burke Esq. setting up a hit-man-bounty hunter to "take out" Mr. Couri.

This was verified by law enforcement and Filed in the National Data-base re such Orders we have been advised.

Now Siebert is on the run since being exposed again as a sex offender, thief, con man, a RICO Criminal Actor. Siebert will shortly be a defendant in a RICO Complaint being filed in USDC-SDNY charging Siebert with multiple counts of racketeering, extortion, grand larceny, murder plots, money laundering, embezzling and mail and wire fraud.

Siebert was also caught filing fraudulent tax returns on his personal and PC Federal Returns. Again now his current thefts will be revisited by the IRS Criminal Division as well.

In sum, Siebert is, has been and will continue to a menace to the practice of medicine and a serious threat to society; therefore he must be tried, convicted and incarceration so he can do no further harm.