Sunday, December 18, 2016


We all know by now that Dr John Siebert is a sex-pervert, a depraved doctor who has been terminated by NY State as a doctor for being found to be "MORALLY UNFIT", ans confessed to by Siebert as well.

Siebert has been convicted as a Sex addict and pervert by NYU Langone Hospital Hearings and Fired by NYU and 5 other NY Hospitals for sexually molesting patients, dispensing contra-indicated narcotics, stealing from Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Cross. Siebert is a Accused and witnessed PEDOPHILE, who has been witnessed by a patient victim MS Rahel. Siebert has raped a Linda M both physically and financially. Siebert has been involved in selling Narcotics to patients and others and has been charged with tax evasion, perjuruy, fraud, bribery and extortion along with his disgraced perjurer lawuer, Joseph M. Burke Eaq.

Siebert has reaped and molested and robbed many of his patient victims who have Filed criminal charges agfainst him, who have obtained RESTRAINING ORDERS against him and who have testified against him at Hearings conducted by the NY State Department of Health who ultimately Suspended Siebert and kicked him out of NY State all together.

Siebert is a sociopath and a perverted warped pimp.

It seems that the writer of "SATIN DOLL" KAREN QUINONES MILLER, learned about Siebert's perverted and criminal activities from a few of Siebert patient victims as the incidents as outlined in "Satin Doll" regarding Siebert's abuses of the key character in the novel are almost "Carbon Copies" of the documented charges made against Siebert by Diane Kleiman, Ms Rachel, Linda M, and Muriel Karass, all Siebert Victims who submitted Affidavits and Stacements that were given to THE SCAMS INC GROUP by these Victims and now posted on the Internet, Scams Inc Sites and on SCRIBD, for all to read.

In the Satin Doll, Siebert is referred to as "DR FUCKING SIEBERT, a " super patronizing" liar and a customer of a Harlem Drug Dealer.

Siebert enters the Hospital room of the main female character and tries to con her into taking drugs and "giving Siebert a blow-job" in the Hospital room and from her hospital bed. Sieber claimed that he was "watching out for her". This was and is the Pervert Siebert MO to lure his victims into sex acts when they are most vulnerable and ill. Siebert has been  charged with this same criminal conduct in Affidavits from Ms. Kleiman, Rachel, Linda M and Karass to name some. The same charges that resulted in Siebert's CONVICTION & TERMINATION at NYU-LANGONE HOSPITAL.

TO Novel then goes on to explain that when Siebert was rejected, he threatened the Key character, called her "A FUCKING WHORE", and said "ALL I WANT IS A 5 MIN BLOWJOB BECAUSE I AM A LITTLE LONELY"

Again, almost the exact same remarks revealed in the Ms Rachel, Kleiman and Linda M Exposes from their own independent experiences with thios Pedophile, pervert and extortionist Dr John Siebert.

In fact evidence now confirms that Siebert has stalked, threatened and harassed these Victim Patients and also recruted his corrupt and desperate lawyers Kenneth V Gomez and Joseph m Burke to stalk, extort, threaten and attempt to bribe these and other women who ultimately Testified against Siebert that resulted in his Termination at multiple Hospitals and Siebert Eviction from NY State as a Medical Doctor.

This Novel, SATIN DOLL, gives the readers a truthful and explosive expose as to how a sex-pervert sociopath, demented Doctor has intimidated patients by extortion to engage in perverted sex acts with Siebert a confessed pedophile.

In fact Ms Rachel swears that Siebert made her wear "little girls clothes" for sex. Siebert confessed to Rachel that he wanted and had sex with minor boys. Rachel reported Siebert to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN CONN. where Siebert resided until he and his drug-abusing wife Kimberly were Evicted to Baraboo Wisconsin where Siebert is in the Clinnic of UW Hospital, run by anorger pervert Ron Slwinski who continues to allow Siebert to work at UW after the World of Medical Institutions would not touch Siebert with a "10foot pole".

We urge all of our readers to obtain a copy of SATIN DOLL, an explosive Novel by a extraordinary fine writer Karen E. Quinones Miller, and published by SIMON SHUSTER.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


John Siebert MD has been a menace to Society, the Medical Profession and to his many victim patients for many years.

Siebert has been caught, charged and convicted by numerous Hospitals in NYC engaging in lewd and lacivious conduct with patients, hospital staff and minor children spanning over 20 years. Siebert was caught by NYU Langone Hospital in NYC where he was on the Faculty.

Siebert was caught engaging in sex acts with Diane Kleiman at the Hospital, in the examining rooms, offices, and in the bathrooms. Siebert was Reported by Kleiman after he Butchered her with about 6 contra-indicated supposed plastic surgeries, lipo-suction and breast augumentations----all botched.

Siebert then began to give Kleiman Narcotice, threaten her and sexually assault her. Finally, she Filed charges against Siebert at NYU, he was tried and convicted. Siebert was Fired outright. Then Siebert molested Muriel Karass, Linda M, Ms Rachel, Barbara Polucci, others  and a medley of minors.

Siebert was charged by these women and reported to the NY State Department of Health. Siebert was investigated by the Department of Children & Families. Siebert is now in the Pedpohile Data-Base and he was Fired by Lenox Hill, MEET, MY Infirmary and all other Hospital affiliations that Siebert had in NY State and all over the USA, where now Siebert can not engage in any medical practice or Operations.

Siebert was tried and confessed in NY State to being Morally-Unfit and has been kicked out of NY State for the Practice of Medicine.

Siebert then traveled to Wisconsin where his father practiced at UW Hospital. Siebert was also charged with Narcotcics Abuse, cheating Medicaid, Blue Cross, and Medicare. He was Evicted from his Medical Office for Forgery of Loan Agreements and Fraud upon Banks. Siebert was convicted for Tax evasion, Filing Phony Tax Returns taking illegal and miscast deductions. Siebert was caught.

Siebert has been found to have engaged in perjury, Money Laundering, embezzlement, extortion of his victims Stalking and larceny.

Siebert has extorted, stolen from and stalked Muriel Karass, Ms. Rachel, Linda M. He has looted and robbed Ms. C. Zimmerman, Karass, Polucci, he has stolen and embezzled from Richard Jacobs, the IRS, the NY State Tax Commission, the Conn State Tax Department and the Wisconsin State Tax Departments and others.

Siebert has conned, lied and cheated widow Diane Hendricks. He has in concert with UW Hospital commed Hendricks into believing that Siebert is a researcher and has a pristine reputation, when in fact Siebert is a Convicted Sex Offender, a thief, a tax evader, perjurer and a embezzler.

We now hear that the Trustees of UW are finally taking seriously their "EXPOSURE" keeping this sex pervert and thief on Staff. Siebert has we believe, compromised UW President Ron Slwinski, who has covered-up Siebert's Crimes and Larceny for a number of years.

Siebert is such a charlatan, he has defrauded many families and their children with Parry Romberg Syndrome, conning these kids into contra-indicated and expensive surgeries to unjustly enrich Siebert and UW Hospital.

Siebert has forced these desperate Parents to beg, borrow and "steal" on the Internet, at Street Fairs, etc, to raise money for Siebert and his botched Procedures that only harm these kids.

Siebert is a pimp and a sociopath. If he was a legit Dr. he would provide his services FREE. But he is a thief and a man who will ROB his own family, lie, cheat steal in order to fulfill his criminal activities and sexual deviant perversions.

Siebert has lied, conned and cheated on his wife Kimberly, used his adult children as Criminal "mules" to launder his stolen money, and used his wife as a financial "stooge' in the process.

When UW Hospital kicks Siebert out he will have no Hospital in the World that will employ this Pervert, even as a Janitor.

Siebert is a Outcast, a Pervert, a Carnival-Pervert and a Criminal who must be convicted and jailed.

We at The Scams Inc Group believe that Siebert should be "castrated" so that he will not and then can-not sexually threaten or menace anyone any longer. This diabolic-warped-pervert has ruined many homes ans lives of innocent children, women and other victims who have been cheated by Siebert , his thieving lawyer Joseph M. Burke Esq. Mafia Front Thief George Pavia, Esq. and others who comprise a racketeering criminal enterprise that has now bee caught and exposed.

Dr John Siebert's Medical Life is destroyed by him and ruined forever. Siebert is a exposed, depraved and adulterated medical and social outcast and pedophile. A poster-example of a invidious spectacle of a contaminated male whore. Our Group has all of the proof and evidence of all of these charges, victims, Affidavits, Convictions, Police and Court Proof and tax evasion evidence as well.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Our Internet News Organizations have been investigating the Carpet Bagging activities of the "Elmer Gantry" of the Palm Springs supposed lawyer profession, Shaun Murphy of Slovak Baron Empy.

In order to appreciate what these "boys" are all about one has to carefully open the Cans of Worms of the "round-Robbin" of a group of corrupt lawyers who do not practice Lawyering, they practice Fixes, fraud, racketeering, mail and wire fraud, extortion, threats, money laundering, bribery, fixes and harassment.

Listen, this Palm Springs is still the "Wild West" and there is no honesty in these Hills.

Murphy, is a slime-ball of the first order who has the integrity of a cobra. He will do and say anything to make a buck and his MO is the "HERPES MAN". He finds womenwho have a sexually transmitted Didease, then he recruts them to target a fat-cat that she swears gave her Herpies, or some other Sex problem. Then Murphy swoops in, Files a litigation and begins to Roast his target by extortion harassment and other abuses.

Our Investigators have been investigating Murphy and SBEMP for over 4 years. We have observed the nature of their Clients, we have clocked their activities in the Palm Springs Branch of the Riverside Courts. These Boys are preeminent "small-time" Fixers and Racketeers.

We call your attention to the numerous Expose Reports about David Chapman, a Judge in that Court in PS2. We have assembled mounds of evidence of Chapman's judicial chicanery. These Charges have all been verified as unconditionally accurate. Chapman has been exposed as a highly unethical person who has been allied with SBEMP, Roemer Harnik, Mary Gilstrap, Brian Harnik and none other than shake-down pimp Shaun Murphy.

Murphy was written about by Scamraiders, Scams Inc and other News Reporting Organizations and his representing persons and companies who could not hide behind a corkscrew they are so corrupt. But in the well known poluted Superior Courts this is no problem. All you need is a Fixer, a Rabbi who has made his "Deal with the Devil" of Judicial corruption, looting, forgery, extortion and fallacious skulduggery.

If one analyzes the activities of these supposed Legal-Beagles one will find that the person in Black Robes is a person from the "Local Gentry" usually a small-time lawyer who went to a Mail-Order Law School and who has been corrupted by Murphy, and His crew of shake-down Pimps.

Of Course there is Harnick and Gillstrap, both of who have as much legal competency to fill a thimble, but here Competency and Integrity is not necessary, it is being a perverted thief, a fixer, a unethical invidious shake-down operation to satiate the whims of the shady and corrupt persons and Businesses that these evil warped cheaters "Represent" to beat honest litigants that have been taken-down by these infected phonies. It is a pure and simple Fix, with a corrupted Court and a corrupt group iof Lawyers.

We are not just "blowing Smoke, as we have spent years after a few Informant Tips and a Go-a-head from the Federal government, to spend the time establishing the rampanl larceny in the California State Court System. This is not just us, but thousands of American Citizens who aer Victoimized by the cheating and bribed judiciary in the California State Family Courts, the Juvenile Courts, the Superior Courts and the corrupt Lawyers who prefer to cheat, and steal by Bribery rather than follow the Rules of Law.

In Palm Springs there is another Judge who in fact was a partiner of Roemer Harnik. This is a small town, and the collusion is systemic, and pervasive. Our Investigators have developed Informants in these Courts, know some of the Clerks and the Courthouses are Rife with collusion, forgery of Court Minutes, rampant manipulation of Laws, Rampant Phony Ruleings, bullyism, cheating and extortion of litigants, especially ones that are In-Pro-Per ,(self represented).

Shaun Murphy is now trying to shroud the extortion of a phony who is carrying a phony front and who has conned many, bullied many and cheated his way to a supposed "Pillar" of the Desert, but has accomplished this on Other Peoples Money, and by phony promises, bullkying Tenants, abusing Citizens and outright fraudulent schemes that this Faker had no resources to fulfill.

What this guy has done is con the City of La Quinta, cheat the Berger Foundation out of over $11Million by a scheme that he knew that he could not perform, but spent a small fortune on a proposed expansion Scam of some $40Million so he could con others in his Ponzi Scheme.

When we began to Investigate this crook ie went wild and went running to his Pimp-Fixer-Extortonest Shaun Murphy for help out of his Jam.

So Murphy has begun a crusade to extort our Founder who has been extremely ill with Cancer and other medical disorders and his wife who is a artist and designer.

Murphy is a documented con-lawyer also allied to Mafia persons on the East Coast and in NYC where Pimp Murphy has recently Filed to practice his extiortion.

We have a plethora of evidence of Murphy's Coutrthouse extortion, fraud, false Pleadings and corruption. Yet noe he is harassing a 77 year old Cancer victim who is in medical Treatment at Hospitals in Los Angeles.

Murphy has been witnessed engaging in slander, serial sending emails to the emails belonging to ourt Internet Sites, trying to misues the phones to harass and extort this 77 year old person.

Then Murphy desperate corrupt client who is now reported by out Investigators to the California State AG for whaat appears to be a multimillion dollar fraud upon the Berger Foundation. This con man has also been reported to the Criminal Division of the Department of Treasury for what our Investigators believe is rampant tax evasion by skimming from his Tenants, allowing Cash sub-leasing of space, and now a 20% skim from unsuspecting artists who engage in Art Fairs on thgis charlatans supposed land, that in fact is really owned by Berger Foundation who we believe have been conned.

Then this wind-bag conned the City of la Quinta took a Option on Land for $1Million (00Thousand, Lured i a few suckers and then Defaulted after hiring a Architect to create Plans for a Fantasy $40Million Expansion that this "Sheow-Man" had little or no prospects of completing. We have been told that the Architects are not yer fully paidad well.

We have also learnde that this flim-flam man was Represented in this Ponzi Scheme by none other than SBEMP and Elmer Gantry-the Herpes Man Shaun Pimp Murphy Esq and his "band of renowned slickster-scheister supposed Lawyers-Lyers, SBEMP who can protect Murder in these evil and warped Courtrooms.

We have turned over to the Justice Department in DC all of the Proofs that we have asswembled regarding the racketeering of David Chapman and others in that Court. We have Recently delivered to the Justice Department and the CID ofv the Department of Treasury the corruption bribery and frauds engaged in by SBENP, Murphy, Harnik, Gilstrap and others. We have delivered the parade of corruption and Forgery of Court Reporters Board Records, Court Stenographer License Records, Fraud by a Chapman Stenographer in his PS2 Courtroom, false Swearing, DCA Involvment and resultant mail and wire fraud involvin a cover-up of Fraud Upon the Court reklating to this gravely serious matter.

We are Forensic Investigators, and we do not take sides. We Investigate expose and Report what appears to be Crimes and we deliver our Findings to Federal Law Enforcement either at their request or based upon our Reports.

These Acts by this Land owner and supposed Builder, Murphy's threats, extortion and attacks upon a Victim of SBEMP and this crook as well as ihs wife will have serious consequences, as the man who is being extorted was asked by La Quinta Officials to please Forbear and allow them to intervine and resolve this matter. As a expression of Good faith we were asked tob remove a Expose about this cheat to give the City a chanse to rectify the wrongful threats and illegal acts bt this charlatan.

We as a "Reward" have been harassed, threatened and extorted  by thug Murphy within 12 hours of the "Stand-Still Request by City Officials. Murphy is acting at the behest of  This Ponzi Schemer who is desperate that either the Berger Foundation will Call this Bogus Loan; or the State or Federal Law Enforcement will do so. Thus this crook's Theory, The Best Defense is a Good Offense, and Murphy, SBEMP are on the Case, and they have Judge david Chapman to uses his corrupt Brain to Deprive Due Process, Extort, Retaliate and cheat for a underhanded Pay-Day. This is why we have advised the Department of treasury as to the Rampant undeclared Income derived by Bribery and Fixes. So soon a Groupof these Crooks will be called to task as to "standards of Living" paper trails of money, credit cardsand allthis other "good-stuff"

The corruption is pervasive, documented and delivered to DC. The Feds have been informed of the threats, extortion and potential Violence as coinfirmed by Murphy's Emails, Threats and fraud. The Riverside Sheriff was Interviewed about this extortion, threats, assault and battery on the Property of this Ponzi artist. We have not used his name here as a Courtesy to the City Officila who inplored that the Victim stall any Litigation of Appearance to the City Council next week about this underhanded matter and legal extortion and embezzlement of legal rights and resultant and significant damages attached to this Shake-Down by Murphy and his rip-off Client who has used the phones to extort and the US mails as well.

We have allerted this weak 77 year old Founder of ourt Businesses and his Fine wife. They will remain in their home in Los Angeles as the property they uses in the Desert belongs to one of their Daughters. Should Murphy, SBEMP or this Ponzi thief attempt to harass these persons they have been provided Protection that will result in grave consequences if Murphy or his stooges trespass into a Private Complex that has no nexus to pimp Murphy this Ponzi Thief and their criminal schemes.

We will so advise the City Officials of this criminal development of harassment, extortion and atempted thefts of Rights by a known corrupt Lawyer and Elmer gantry Wind Bag Cheat Murphy and SBRMP with Harnik and Gilstrap in the Peanut Gallery. We have all of this evidence bur if the Targets find Fault, refer to the TERMS OF USE of ourr Sites and Exposes and follow the manner to objevt. Please realize that we deal in only Facts and for over 10 years we never had to delete a Expose.

We know hiow desperate Murphy and his Mafia Pals want to Gag Due Process so that these Pimps Crimes can Blossom. As Trupm says 'PUT THEM IN JAIL',and we plan to have that occur as a Violation of the Public Trust is Despicable.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


George Pavia Esq, a confirmed and proved thief, perjurer, mafia front, embezzler and menace has been engaged in bribery, money laundering and larceny for over a half century.

George and his corrupt cheating wife Antonia have been engaged in cheating and extorting many by misuse of the NY Courts and George's law practice Pavia Harcourt, a front for mob figures.

Well, George and his Antonia were caught robbing his Tenants and looting Rent Stabilization. So these Pavias chose to form alliances with Sex Predator Siebert who was convicted for engaging in sexual abuses of his patients until Siebert was removed from NY State as a doctor by the NY State Dept. of Health as "morally unfit" and a sex deviant. Siebert also has a long paper trail of perjury, tax evasion, extortion, stalking and interstate fraud and money laundering. Much of these dishonest acts of Siebert have been orchestrated by a swindler and dead-beat lawyer Joseph M. Burke.

Burke has been found to be a corrupt lawyer, a proven perjurer, a ghostwriter of falsified judicial Decisions and Orders for a lying, cheating and incompetent judge Paul Wooten. This perverted supposed judge bought into a set of black robes by a fraudulent scheme where Wooten "pimped" himself in a Brooklyn scam for Clarence Norman a now jailed seller of judgeships. Wooten is a thief, a incompitent and a judicial fraud. he was recently permanently removed for cause from the NY County Judiciary and shipped out to Brooklyn.

Wooten engaged in fraud, fabrication of Decisions, perjury, extortion and judicial larceny. Over 10 law firms filed complaints as to Wooten's misconduct and his corruption. Wooten's prime ally has been Joe Burke, Siebert and Pavia. Wooten was bought-off by giving him a part of the phony Judgment Wooten falsified for over $15Million for Siebert, grounded on fraud perjury and hijacking of the facts. These 3 Stooges forgot that many were on to the "STING" for a long while. Wooten has along with these Stooges, forged the Court Docket, Forged the Court Records, purged the Court Record Room, cheated, engaged in mail and wire fraud, collusion, denial of due process, unjust enrichment, unjust and unconstitutional taking of property and racketeering.

Wooten has engaged in a long trail of shady dealing, rip-offs, cheating, judicial gimmicks, forgery, and a laundry list of diabolic spurious skulduggery.

Burke has been caught engaging in clandestine meetings with Wooten, Ghostwriting of Wooten Decisions, Orders and Judgments. Burke has been caught engaging in Ghostwriting Decisions and Orders for Referee Jack Suter, and all of the emails were captured proving Burke's Embezzling, money laundering and rip-offs. Much of this have been captured on Emails and other Recordings.

This group of 3 Stooges, Corrupt Judges, Referees and other crimes have been now well documented.

What we have here is a Joe Burke, a broken down and broke lawyer, evicted from his over 30 year Law Office with William Russo, now in a closet-office with the outcasts of Russo's now defunct Firm, Abrams Deemer, PLLP. Burke is a tax cheat, on the run from Bill Collectors, Law Enforcement where he has lied and cheated in a desperate scheme to cover-up his Siebert and Paqvia's crimes, bribery and larceny.

Siebert, a sex deviant and pervert, a perjurer, a tax cheat, a disgraced doctor having been fired from 5 Hospitals for Narcotics abuses, sex abuse of patients, thefts from Medicare and Medicaid and extortion in concert with Burke Wooten Pavia and others.

George and Antonia Pavia and Pavia Harcourt, being convicted by the ECB Court the Dept of Buildings to being perjurers, filing bogus documents and false Certificate of Corrections, Bribery, fraud, cheating, money laundering, tax evasion, thefts of relative's Property, looting Millions from Clients, Tenants and the IRS, and extortion and worse. The Pavias have hired thugs, to engage in threats and extortion including Burke and his allies in crime.

As anyone can see these Stooges have corrupted the Courts, a incompetent and underhanded, dishonest and perverted judge Paul Wooten who was never Vetted and who belongs in Prison. We hear Wooten has been a Target for Feds for a while and evidence proves that Wooten has engaged in Judicial fraud and illegal alliances with these 3 Stooges who may well be in Prison all together.

Thsese matters outlined here are all well documented and irrefutable. Wooten is now pounding the pavement around Adams Street in Brooklyn, looking for another Victim Litigant to Fleece, as this pathetic example of a "judicial-hoax", can only do what he has been brought-up doing, which is to lie, cheat, steal and extort victims. Wooten possibly can hide behind a "corkscrew" as he is at least as contorted. Much more to come on this Three Stooges Cavilcade of Larceny & Corruption.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Scams Inc has assembled and catalogued literally a car-load of evidence establishing these two underhanded, cheating and dishonest supposed "Honorable Judges".

In reality these two warped persons are swindlers who misuse the platform of the NY State Court Judiciary to engage in fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, fixes, "rip-offs" of legitimate litigants, depriveing Due Process and judicial racketeering.

Both have a penchant for hi-living, fancy duds, and spending other peoples money. Moulton and Wooten are 2 peas in a pod. Both can hide behind a Corkscrew, both have engaged in judicial larceny, preyed upon the innocent for their own self enrichment and have sold-out the Rules of Law for unjust reward for themselves and their corrupt "client-litigants" who Fix these infected pervert's courtrooms.

When the NY County got too HOT for Wooten as he had gone into "deep-water" with his Judicial Chicanery, Moulton with the ald of circumventing the NY Constitution and the mandates of Removal permanently of a supposed judge, got Wooten out of NY County and sent Wooten across the Bridge to Greener-Pastures of Brooklyn, NY the second most Corrupt County in New York. Of Course NY County wins the "Gold Star" on State Court Judicial Corruption.

So Scams Inc has made a determination that since some of our best Informants have come from State Court Clerks and other Court Employees, Former Judge Law Clerks, Courtroom Clerks and even relatives, landlords, disgruntled and cheated litigants, Law offices who have bribed these spurious and cheating judges.

Thus we have decided to offer $50,000.00 Reward for the Arrest, Indictment and Conviction of these two  despicable, lying, cheating and warped excuses for Judges.

Scams Inc presently has evidence of these Judges Wooten and Moulton  engaging in Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, supression and distruction of Evidence, Forgery, Tampering with the Court Docket, perjury, suborning perjury, Obstructing Justice, purging Court Files, depriving access to the Court, extortion, bribery, undeclared Income, Judicial Racketeering and repeated violations og the Court Uniform Rules, Filing of False Notes of Issue, collusion with corrupt Lawyers to perform skulduggery, Fixes and looting of adverse Litigants and a massive amount of judicial chicanery and fraud upon the court.

Scams Inc requests that all Informants simply communicate with us at SCAMSINC@GMAIL.COM, 24-7 with a outline of your information and how we can contact you by phone or email. Within hours, one of our Investigators will communicate with you. Please be assured that all information you provide will be held in the strictest of confidence.

Once the process begins, we will aid you in assembling your proofs and information and until all of your information is compiled and verified you will be in constant communication with our Investigative Staff Member. None of your Information will be shared with anyone or any Law Enforcement Agency unless and until we agree that the Proofs you have Produced will be sufficient for Federal and or  City or State Prosecutors to become involved.

Remember, PROOF AND EVIDENCE IS POWER, and Scams Inc wants to sanatize and rid the State Court System one Judicial Racketeer at a time. Wooten and Moulton are at present the most adulterated, distorted and underhanded criminals shrouded in a $25.00 set of Dime-Store Black Robes to match their BLACK-JACK SWINDLES AND COURTHOUSE LARCENY.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


It is now clear that "Underhanded-Ken" has more than a "Screw Loose".

This Kenneth V Gomez is a perverted and infected pimp has been doing the same thing for dozens of years: cheating, extorting, molesting, threatening, harassing and worse, anything to rob a buck.

Scams Inc therefore find it worthwhile to put out to the public the true and documented current-facts that will establish that Gomez knows that he, George Pavia Esq, Antonia Pavia, Joesph M Burke Esq, John Siebert, Jay Itkowitz and Michelle Itkowitz, are "DEAD MEN WALKING".

Gomez has again been "recruited" by desperate Pavia  who is exposed as a tax cheat, embezzler, money launderer and thief, so we are presenting the facts that are all confirmed by documentary evidence. Gomez Ramblings will only enhance the claims and charges that are "Coming Soon" against all of these Rat-kateers.

1) Gomez has been exposed as a perjurer, fraud and cheat in a Federal Court Case where Gomez and his brother Robert are scheming to loot and rob Robert's "grandchildren and minors out ov over $300,000.00 left to them by Roberts wife via proceeds of a Life Insurance Policy. A careful review of the Case Docket and pleadings reveal a underhanded scheme to loot the money by the same MO that Kenneth Gomez has played in many Cases where he has looted money by engaging in character assassination, perjury, suborning perjury, forgery, falsifying evidence, and fraud upon the court. Gomez has engaged in these criminal acts in courts to aid Pavia, Siebert and Burke in looting and embezzling for years. Gomez has bee called a perjurer, a cheat, a forger by Judges at various courts, he has ghostwritten Decisions for judges and referees that he, Pavia and Siebert have Fixed and Gomes has engaged in stalking and sexually molesting Victim Patients of Siebert and reported by them to prosecutors.

Gomez is so pathetic that he continues to engage in Wire Fraud by proffering fraud, dishonesty and subterfuge by his stale over 10 year old Blog, trying to extort Jim Couri, whis has not been successful and will soon be a exhibit in more Legal Reprisals for these Rat-keteers.

Gomez seems to gloat as to the charade, dishonesty, obstruction of justice and Judicial Racketeering ongoing in Supreme Court NY County. Gomez better tighten the Screws that are loose in is polluted Brain, and face the Facts,

2) Judge Paul Wooten, who was compromised, Fixed and Bribed by these Rat-kateers beginning in 2010 has ben Fired and terminated Permanently from Supreme Court NY County and Part 7, on Jan 24, 2016. Wooten was removed as a result of multiple charges and complaints by prominent Law Firms that Wooten was a incompeternt, Corrupt and engaged in judicial racketeering.

Wooten was permanently removed to Kings County on 1-24-16 and was supposedly in Part 97 in Kings. In or about August 10, 2016 Wooten was removed from ALL judicial Calendars and Listings as a Judge in the Unified Court System all together. Wooten was permanently discharged as a Judge as a result of further complaints of judicial corruption ghostwritten Decisions and Orders, Fraudulent Decisions and Orders, Forgery, collusion, falsifying Court Records and fraud.

Much of what Wooten has now been caught engaging in involves, not only many NY County and Kings County Targeted Victim Litigants looted and robbed by Wooten but involving George Pavia, Gomez, Burke, Siebert and others. Further to that Scams Inc's Informants also reveal that Wooten is a Target of a Criminal Grand-Jury. Thus Gomez speaks in riddles and a "Forked-Tongue".

Then ther is Judge Peter Moulton, the new Administrative Judge in NY County Supreme Court. Moulton has been caught and trapped purging Court Records, scheming to shroud Wooten's fraud, forgery, fabrications and larceny bu engaging in documented Mail and Wire Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, suborning perjury, collusion with Burke, Gomez and Siebert and Grand Larceny.

These claims are all memoralized by Hard Proofs and Undenied. Scams Inc has proof of Gomez, Burke Pavia Siebert engaging in rampant and repeated extortion, bribery racketeering and embezzlement and fraudulent concealment.

Gomez lies again as to the $40Million California Default regarding George and Antonia Pavia.

Judicila racketeering and corruption is not relegated to the State Courts in New York. It is pervasive in California as well. Siebert and Burke along with Pavia hired Sulmeyer Kupetz Esqs and David Richardson Esq, who were caught engaging in fraud perjury and larceny in the Riverside CA Federal Courts while  filing perjured and falsified pleadings in 2014 with Siebert, Burke. In 2015 and 2016 Jim Couri with the aid of Law Enforcement secured a 3 year Restraining Order against Siebert, a convicted Sex Pervert Pedophile and removed from NY State as a unfit Doctor. This was after Vigorous Opposition on behalf of Siebert and Burke in the Superior Court Palm Springs Brance before Judges Borjk and Johnson. The Restraint is against Siebert and all in concert with him.

When Mr Couri Brought a Case against Siebert and Biurke and Does 1-15, Judge David Chapman in Palm Springs Superior Court was assigned the Case. Sulemeyer and Richardson appears and Moves to "Strlke the Summons of the Complaint" on grounds of lack of jurisdiction. After Motions and Couri uncovering forgery of Court Minutes, phony Transcrips, Richardson Fraud in filing a forged and False Proposed Order trying to Dismiss the Complaint that Couri Caught, Chapman lying, violating the Judicial Canons and the CCP. Finally, Chapman Dismissed the Summons of the Complaint "Without Prejudice", Further Chapman's refusal to disqualify himself as mandated by CCP. engaging in Judicial Fraud by concocting phony Claims against Couri in order to Gag him from access to the Courts by Obstructing Justice, Charges were Filed against Chapman with the Commission on Judicial Performance with a plethora of evidence. Including  Chapman's Racketeering, falsifications of Court Records, using a Court Reporter with a Expired License, which is Illegal Reporting punishable with a Fine of up to $2500.00 on Each Occation, and the Transcript illegal. Meanwhile Chapman has instigated Court Clerks to lie, to protect his dishonesty.  This Court Stenographer Terri Dickneider Quit in July 2016.

The other Judge in that Court has just recently engaged in odd-ball conduct by Evicting a 95 year old woman from her home in Palm Desert and putting her on the Street, if it were not for Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins who put-up $25,000.00 for the lady to preserve her home for her.

The Pavia Default for their Failure to Timely Move, Answer of otherwise Respond, was files as a Matter of Law as a "Default". Thereafter the Default then causes a "Prove-up-Hearing" as to Damages which Couri scheduled with the Clerk then Vacated it as a rsult of impending Surgery.

Further to that Chapman's misconduct and Hyjacking Justice and the Rules of Law reported to Law Enforcement, and the Commission will have grave consequences for Chapman, Siebert, Pavia, Burke, Sulmeyer and Richardson and all in concert in particular "Bag-Man" and 'mule' Kenneth V. Gomez Esq.

Accordingly, as can be seen these criminal Rats are desperate and Gomez is more than Desperate as his fraud upon the Federal Court in Albany Ny can result in the Judge's Referral for Criminal Prosecution the despicable acts of a Uncle, Ken, and grandfather Robert Gomez trying to loot and embezzle over $300,000.00 of 2 Minors Blood-money.

This type of Larceny with Family is not new to these Rats and Racketeers. R

The Pavias were caught Stealing a $17Million home belonging to George pavia's Mother in law Janna Pierce and failing to pay tax on the theft. Scams Inc Reported it and the Pavias were Caught and confessed, recently.

Siebert looted over $8Million and was caught by the IRS as well.

Gomez should have a bit more Patience as all of these Racketeers will soon be Paying the Consequences for their RICO Enterprises, and more ongoing for many years.

The only way these invidious perverts have functioned is by bribery, cheating, ghostwriting, forgery and other debased larceny. Before various Federa Judges in USDC they all have been Exposed as crooks, liars and cheats. None of these Rat-keteers would know the Truth eve if it was looking them in the Face.


Thursday, August 11, 2016


Scams Inc and all of its Affiliated Organizations, all Internet News Organizations are pleased to announce a $20,000.00 Reward for evidence and all forms of Information that leads to the Indictments and Convictions of New Yourk and California Politicians, State Court Judges, Attorneys and all Officers of the Courts who engage in and continue to engage in violations of the Public Trust, Obstruction of Justice, deprivation of Due Process, Fraud upon the Court, forms of Judicial and Political Extortion, falsification of court records, minutes and pleadings, chicanery, Bribery, Racketeering, Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, suborning perjury and Collusion.

This Reward also embraces any and all information that leads to the indictment and conviction of all Officers of the Courts. "officer of the court" is defined as any and all judges, lawyers, court-clerks, court stenographers, mediators, referees, judicial secretaries,  law-clerks, etc.

Scams Inc Investigators have learned a great deal of information over the years from Courthouse clerks in the NY County Supreme Court as to the Judicial larceny and forgery that has been uncovered by corrupt judges.

Scams Inc will, over the next number of weeks, be Reporting on not only more and more State Court judicial corruption and incompetence ongoing in California and New York, but the blind eye taken by local California politicians, publications, incompetent reporting, all gravely impacting the citizens who are daily being excoriated by courthouse embezzlement of their money, family, rights, liberty and homes.

Scams Inc has assembled carloads of proof of these Racketeers, but believe that this Reward will give many who have First-Hand Information to come Forward and Report it to us.

You may contact Scams inc. by email to SCAMSINC@GMAIL.COM anytime.

Please in your email to us, provide your name, contact data, and a general outline of your Disclosures

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Scams Inc and Affiliated News Organizations have carefully put together and assembled evidence of the Racketeering Enterprises of the George Pavia, Pavia Harcourt and the Pavia Family racketeering enterprise of extortion, money laundering, looting of stolen millions, bribery, perjury, forgery, tax evasion and offshore secreted bank accounts and racketeering.

Scams Inc Investigators hav the proof of these criminal activities that the Pavia's racketeers have been active in for dozens of years. We have the proof of the Tax Evasion and our reporting to the Criminal Division of the Dept. of Treasury of massive Tax swindles these criminals have engaged in. They were caught, confessed recently and Fined, and these crimes have been Referred to the Prosecutors.

Now, in addition, Scams Inc has assembled proof of George, Antonia, Jullian, Philippa Pavia and Pavia Harcourt engaging in bribery, fraud upon the court, theft of Rent Stabilization, larceny, thefts of trust Funds, extortion, filing false Documents with the NY Department of Buildings, with various Courts, converting Millions by collision with corrupted judges in Supreme Court NY County such as Judges Joan Madden, the NYCAL crook, Paul Wooten the terminated corrupt judge who has been engaged in forgery, falsification of evidence judicial larceny and fraud in concert with corrupt lawyers including George Pavia, Kenneth Gomez, sex pervert and tax evader John Siebert, and confirmed perjurer and thief Joseph m. Burke.

George Pavia has been involved in criminal activities for years. He is and has been a front for organized crime persons and tax swindlers such as Ted Kohl, the Albert Anastasia Families in Brooklyn, and has money laundered millions in off-shore Banks, according to evidence.

George pavia and his family are consumate perjurers. We have proofs on audio recordings of the Pavia's engaging in perjury at court proceedings while stealing rent stabilized rights from tenants.George Pavia has been engaged in tax evasion for years,and he has stolen his mother-in-laws home at 15 East 77th Street, by a slick scheme of deed-peeling to himself and his corrupt children and wife. Then they engage in a systematic scheme of tax evasion.

Scams Inc figured the scam out and now the Pavias are convicted undenied Tax cheats and convicts. A new tax swindle engaged in by the Pavia criminal enterprise orchestrated by the Pavia Harcourt corrupt Racketeers.

They have looted and stolen Millions from the Rogers Estate, secreted the stolen money in off-shore hidden accounts and extorted the Estate. Scams Inc has again Reported this new about $30Million Swindle to the Criminal Division of the IRS as well.

Pavia has also orchestrated a tax swindle in concert with Pedophile Dr John Siebert in concert with Gomez, Burke Judges Wooten, Madden, Moulton and Gammerman of NY Supreme Courts.

Siebert was granted a phony groundless judgment for $15Million. The Scam? These Crooks were planning to have Siebert File Carry-Back fraudulent losses, evidenced by Wooten's Forged and fabricated $15Million Judgment and Siebert would get back from the IRS Millions in bogus and fraudulent Tax recoveries. This was the brain-child of the fertile criminal mind of Pavia who caused the thefts of over $80 Million from Mr Jim Couri by Courthouse bribery, racketeering and extortion.

These are not just allegations, Scams Inc has the Proof of all of these crimes Pavias have been orchestrating for years. These Cio=]oimes have been Reported to the US Attorney SDNY, and to the CID of the IRS. Pavias and Sieberts new tax swindles have been Reported, and the Courthouse bribery, larceny, collusion with Madden, theft of rent stabilization, theft from Nr Couri, Rogers and many other victims caused by the Pavia racketeering enterprises of dishonesty has been part of the largest fraud upon the public in years. The polluted NY State Courts that to find a honest judge is as hard as finding a snowflake in Hell.

Now the Pavia rRacketeering Machine is on its ass. It is caught, George is in a vice of exposure. He and his underhanded Family and Pavia Harcourt will be soon forced again to Disgorge all of their Stolen and illgotten Moneys. The Tax-Boys this time will put these tax cheats in Prison.

George has now again hired, along with his thieving Pavia Harcourt, known Thug, extortonist and thief Kenneth V Gomez who was recruted by Pavias in 2010 to Character Assassinate Mr Jim Couri, harass him, his family, doctors and many others by a extortion Blog that for years was religated to extorting Mr Couri. Gomez has been engaged in these crimes for years. He was Evicted by 600 Third Avenue recently and from the Suite of William Russo.

Now he has a "desk-Space" with Joe Burke and Abrams Deemer who have been engaged along with Pavia in this now well proved and documented Racketeering enterprise, embezzlement, bribery and extortion of many. Siebert has been run-out of NY as a sex pervert  and thief, disgraced by 5-6 Hospitals and terminated as a Doctor by NY State.

So now Gomez is at it again, bothering Mr Couri and extorting him and his family making it appear that the Uncovering of the Pavia Crimes were done by Mr Couri.

Gomes is such a pathetic Moron and cheat, yet he knows that Scams Inc a now large Internet News Organization is who has exposed and Reported the Pavia and Pavia Harcourt Criminal Enterprises.Not Mr Jim Couri.

Pavia, Burke, Gomez and trheir RICO operation are now s]o desperate they will and have tried anything to Smear Mr Couri and Scams Inc so that their moral turpitude and criminal acts ma be shrouded for a while longer.

Gomez has now posted moronic implausible false statements supported by Decisions Generated by the very Judges that Pavia, Gomez,Siebert and Burke have Corrupted, bribed and own.

All of these Sociopath debased racketeers have been turned over to Federal Law Enforcement. Gomez does not deny that he and his racketeers are not subject to criminal charges, found guilty of Tax evasion and other crimes. Rather Gomez makes up smears against Mr Couri who has wone dozens of accolades and Awards such as:
US Senate Medal of Freedom
US Congress Medal of Distinction
On the Presidential Business Council
On the Congressional Business Council
Senate Comte. for Tax Reformation
Protege of J. Edgar Hoover founder of the FBI
CASA Adviocate for Children in Riverside
Businessman of the Year twice
D& B Honoree
Honorary Special Treasury CID Agent
and more.

Thus, these Gomez 2016 Smear Campaigns are a transparent scams because the Proof of the Pavia, et-al Criminal enterprise are now exposed, confirmed and the wheels of Justice, albet some times slowly will Steam-Roll Gomez Mail and Wire Fraud, criminal extortion, threats and Violations of Restraining Orders Issued in Mr Couri's Favor against Siebert ans all in concert with him.

George Pavia has been exposed but we have much more to reveal and will as we intend being sure that Pavia is Disgorged by US , the Irs and the US Attorney as a tax cheat, embezzler, perjurer, imperiling tenants Safety while bribeing Joan Madden, cheating the Dept of Buildings, the ECB Court and tem finding that the pavias are criminals, fraudsters, perjurers and forgers, all in the Record of these Courts and Agencies.

Gomez days of his Smear Campaigns are over.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Diane Handricks, worth over $3Billion, thanks to the tragic death of her husband, seems to be a victim of a charlatan sex pervert and thief, Dr John Siebert.

Ms Hendricks, we have learned that Siebert a suspended NY Doctor as a result of NY State's Termination of Siebert as a result of his sex abuses of Patients, confession and termination from 5 NY Hospitas as a result.

Siebert has been charged by 5 or more women Victims for sex abuses, theft, narcotics abuse, pedophile acts and more.

We at Scams Inc have written dozens of Exposes about Siebert and his perverted acts.Siebert is also a perjurer, subject to a National Restraining Order, a tax swindler, caught and confessed, a Racketeer, embezzler and extortonist, all undenied.

Siebert has conned Hendricks, filed perjured Press Releases with UW Hospital knowing Siebert is a sex Offender and can not practice Medicine in NY. Yet UW, as part of the Hendricks Scam, issues a bogus Release stating that Siebert is a Researcher and a Fine Doctor.

Siebert is a convicted sex pervert by NYU Langone Hospital and a sociopath. His only "Research" has been who he can fleece, cheat and sexually abuse.

See Scams Inc and Scribed as to the many Victims robbed, sexually abused and cheated as a Doctor.

Siebert is now scamming Victims about Parry Romberg Syndrome. Siebert is a cheat and con-man. he is looting innocent patients with Hocus-Pocus Fraud, which is criminal.

We will be allerting Scott Walker who Siebert is boasting that he is a pal of the Gov. and thay Ms Hendricks has employed Siebert as a "researcher"


Sunday, June 12, 2016


Confessed sex-offender and convicted sex pervert Dr John Siebert is back at his medical scams and depraved con-games.

Siebert, using his self-styled "midwestern charm, that got him kicked out of 5 NYC Hospitals for malpractice, narcotic abuse, sexual abuses of patients and other perverted acts, is again conning and cheating the family of Hank Gibbs to raise money for Hank's about 8thSiebert reckless surgeries on this now 13year old Sacramento Kid.

Siebert began is warped and perverted con on Terri A. Gibbs when hank was about 5 or 6 years old, defrauding the Gibbs family into believing that Siebert, the only surgeon in the world, to be able to cure Parry Romberg Syndrome by surgery.

Siebert is and was a Charlatan, a fraud, a cheat and a Huckster. Siebert has been proved to be a sex pervert, suspend from NY State for sex abuses by NY State Dept of Health, Fired by 5 Hospitals, evicted from 5 Medical Offices, Investigated and admitted Pedophile,Healthcare Insurance Thief and a Medicare and Medicaid Thief. Siebert has stolen Millions, he has been caught in a major tax evasion scheme and caught engaging in bribery, perjury and fraud in various Courts. He has been caught engaging in threats of murder and extortion by emails, and is now restrained by Nationwide Restraining Order against him issued in a California Superior Court in 2015 and Renewed for cause in 2016 for 3 years until 2019.

Siebert is a sociopath. He has robbed and molested many. Now he again has bamboozled Hank Gibbs and his Family into anther wasted, expensive and useless surgery so that UW Hospital and Siebert can be unjustly enriched by a futile surgery.

Scams Inc Investigations has contacted many Associations, surgeons, Organizations and Insurere and Medicare regarding the prospects of surgical intervention involving persons with this Disease. The overwhelming responses reveal that Surgery is futile until the disease has "run-its-course" which may be Never. It requires that the Victim undergo MRI Scans to follow the Progression.

Parry Syndrome progressively deteriorate the Tissue and skin of the Patients affected areas. This is usually the face, eye sockets, jaw mouth, etc.Resulting in facial asymmetry.

The Medical Community's opinion is that there is no treatment or surgery that can stop the progression of this Disease. It is defined for the most part as a neurological disorder.

Other than a charlatan thief such as Siebert, who has conned many for his own unjust enrichment engaging in medical malpractice, fraud and interstate fraud; no legitimate Hospital or Surgeon would participate in this surgical scam.

In fact, most all surgeons agree that "Intervention" is futile until the Disease has run its course. This abstention is to avoid unnecessary pain, suffering and further injury to the Patient, often Minors, unnecessary Hospital and Surgical expenses that will only result in a momentary visual "improvement" and soon afier, like oli and water the tissue and bone will continue to deteriorate.

Many recommend immunosupressive drugs, medical management and MRI's to follow the progression and hopefully the conclusion, which may take years or never.

What Siebert has done with the Gibbs Family, Hank and many other of his Victims, is to lie, cheat and fleece these families for large fees and large Hospital bills to waste hopes, cause pain and more injury.

UW Hospotal have been caught filing phony al false Press Releases about Siebert while knowing that Siebert is a sex Offender, a cheat a tax swindler and a confessed Morally Unfit Doctor. But UW and Ron Slwinski.President are also money grubbing cheats, otherwise why would they employ such a pervert Dr John Siebert?

Well this time, Scams Inc has the Proof of Siebert's Racketeering by Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud.

He has lied to Terri Gibbs, Hank Gibbs by Phone and email. He has Filed a Stack of false and fraudulent Documents with the Gibbs Medical Insurance Company, provided by Terri's Employer in Sacramento California. This Fraud on a Healthcare Insurer by Siebert is a crime, scheming to collect Insurance Funding by fraud, perjury and larceny, in concert with UW Hospital and Gibbs.

THe supposed Hank surgery is to take place in July 2016, with stolen Insurance Money and also as in the past the Gibbs Family begging people at "garden-fund-raisers" so that Siebert can loot them as well.

If Siebert were a legit. Surgeon he would provide his surgery for free. But Siebert is a criminal, a cheat, a fraud and a self confessed sex pervert and morally unfit doctor.

We believe that the Gibbs family are also remiss, gullible and stupid, putting their son Hank through eight medically contraindicated surgeries that are being performed by the RASPUTIN OF THE OPERATING ROOM.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


George Pavia Esq and wife Antonia are perverted, evil crooks. They have been cheating people for years under the guise of acting like Italian elite but in reality they are unethical perverted and found in NYCourts to be perjurers, forgers, and rapists of Rent Stabilization from their Tenants.

In fact the Pavias are so perverted, greedy and criminals, they were ordered by the NY Dept of Buildings (DOB) and after 5 Inspections of 18 E 73 St NYC was found to be Hazardous to Tenants, these warped Pavias filed a forged Sworn Statement to the DOB that they had cured the Hazardous conditions.

After it was uncovered that these cheats engaged in fraud the ECB Court had a  trial where the Pavias lied under Oath. They were Cited at ECB Court and at the DOB to be perjurere, Forgers and impereling Tenants. Rather than make Repairs, the Pavias bribed a NY Judge to allow the Pavias to engage in fraud, perjury, filing false evidence causing witnesses to perjur themselves and file forged plans, records and engage in rampant deception, George engaged in threats of murder, caused the Judge to preclude material proofs fabricate others and cheat and steal rent stabilization from the Pavia tenants so that they could rob the Property without paying Tenants their Rights.

The Pavias paid off the Judge, engaged in blatant perjury and while this was ongoing these criminals stole the home of Antonia's senile Mother on 15 E 77th St giving small pieces each month to the Pavia cadult children Philippa and Julian themselves and a crook Ehinkeberg.

The Pavias sold that stolen home for about $18Million and money laundered those sums using Philippa and Julian as "Mules". You see George is also a Mafia Front engaged in extortion, gambeling Racketeering and embezzlement. George hen after robing rent stabilization at 18E 73St, sokd that for $20Million and again used a phony loan transaction for $5Million to usee to buy a Apartment at 580 Park 2C , con the Board appearing to be a proper person while he in fact is a cheat, tax evader, perjurer and forger.

Pavia then engaged in a massive Tax Evasion Scam, lootion fortunse using Philippa as a stooge. In Fact Philippa a now Veterenian at Blue Pearl Vet Partners in Brooklyn but Blue Pearl is in Florida with Clinics in many States. Except Blue Pearl does not know that Philippa is a Front for George and Antonia Pavia's Criminal Enterpriese of Tax Evasion, bribery, Orchestrating Courthouse Racketeering and looting and stealing Millions by Mafia Tactice, Judicial embezzlement, Thefts of Medicare Money by using Kenneth Gomez as a front in concert with Leona Helmsley, "The Queen of Mean"and using others to try and scam the IRS for millions.

Recently George and Antonia and philippa ware exposed in a large Tax Evasion Scam. They were Caught evading Tax on the house at 15E 77th St NYC that the Pavias and Philippa and Julian stole fom Mrs Pierce, a senile old woman.

THe Pavias wew Reported and caught. They confessed to their crimes and are now paying swindled Tax, fines etc. Now we have exposed these charlatans in another tax scam to loot the Government out of $125Million in a phoney claim secured as a result of George Pavia's Courthouse bribry and racketeering.

The Pavias have no morals, they will lie, steal, use theit relatives to steal for them or steal from them. The Pavias have stolen much, threatened, used Mob figures to commit perjury for them, use lawyers to extort, form extortion Blogs to rob people, file forged Records, engage in perjury, karceny and other warped acts involving interstate commerce to rob others and engage in threats of murder.

WQe have proof of George Pavia threatening a person that he was going to murder or cause a hit on this person. George Pavia and his family are criminals with a false front of pure Bull. They have fooled the Board of 580  Park until the Board gets the Full Pavia sordid story from Georges days of Ratting on Jews in Italy for Hitler and Mussollini (that George Confessed to).For Favors and escape to America. up to his admission and conviction for tax evasion, these Pavias are unprincipled socipoath and in fact George was called a unstable, perverted narcissit by a prominent mental Doctor.

We have evidence of all of these charges and that Philippa Pavia was used as a "mule" Front for her parents aiding in looting the IRS, Tenants and others for over $40Million in Pavia embezzled Funds belonging to others. Soon the Pavias will be paying the price for Grand larceny, fraud, extortion and other crimes. Sadly, Phiolippa and Julian, who are liars as well as George used Julian to engage in fraud at the Courthouse to cover-up George and Antonia's thefts of Millions, perjury forgery and other illegal acts. They say" the apple does not fall far from the tree". and the Pavias have trained these Stage 2 Pavias ----Philippa and Julian---well to continue George and Antonia's legacy of cheating, looting and Mafia conduct.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


California Superior Court Judge David Chapman has been on the Radar for a long while as a result of his documented warped acts of trickery, fraud, condoning perjury, bias, and other felonious acts in concert with favored Law Offices and others who "curry-his-favor".

Chapman was a graduate of a third-rate un-approved law school, and then went to work at a negligence law office. We have reviewed many of Chapmain's Decisions. They sound good but most Rule against the Law and Statutes, ignore Facts, rely on hearsay, perjury and fraud. Sadly Chapman is what is known as a "semi-articulate cheat".

We are astounded that over 85 Judges in California Superior Courts went to the same now closed unrecognized law school as did Chapman. We have found that this law school graduates could only qualify to take the Bar-Exam in California and only can be employed by local law offices and by the Courts. Chapman was somehow selected by Gov Brown, bought his $10-- Black Robes, and began his adulterated conduct and fallacious bad acts in PS2 in Palm Springs.

We have now uncovered Chapman's violations of many of the Judicial Canonns of Ethics. Here are a Few Chapman has flouted :

 Cannon 2A---he has violated the public trust and integrity of judiciary
Cannon 3B ---Chapman has be unfaithful to the laws
Cannon 3C-- Chapman has engaged in fraud, collusion, falsifying of Court Records and minutes, colluded to deprive litigant Due Process and access to the courts by fraud, perjury and trickery.

Chapman has engaged in covering up a Scam to Rob a Litigant with Forgery bof a Court Minutes and allow a lawyer to submit a false "proposed order". We have the paper trail of this swindle and have delivered this and other of Chapman's judicial larceny to Federal Authorities. We have watched Chapman and his depraved pattern of collusion from the outset of a few Cases before him.

He has turned a blind eye on a massive Federal Tax Scam uncovered by a Lawyer litigating against a Desert "big-wig". Chapman is of course a 'company-man" who enjoys the 'fruits of his shenagigans". We have proven that Chapman has issued Decisions ignoring Facts, making up events and claims even to the extent of his own stupidity as to the proper Jurat required by California Notaries. This supposed Judge has concocted charges that a litigant did not properly Swear to a Affidavit by not using the proper Form by Notary.

Chapman should call the California Secretary of State, Notary Division, and he will learn that the Affidavit he stupidly and viciously charges is improper is in fact 100% legal, properly Sworn with the Correct Notary Jurat for Swearing.

Then Chapman fails to Read Pleadings and makes Findings based on perjury, hearsay and fraud. If Intentional Chapman is a further confirmed a corrupted Judge and a crook, or he is a moron. Either way his trickery and larceny effects litigant's lives, money, assets, reputations and more. Chapman is a proven perverted and depraved liar, bully and a fraud.

Chapman has abused many by his pompous misconduct. We have seen his attempt to deprive litigants opportunities to plead their cases.

Chapman on one hand says he follows the Rules and Statutes and in the same moment he schemes to pollute them lie and cheat and then refuse to Disqualify himself as Mandated by the US Constitution Due Process Clause; The California Constitution; and California Codes.

Rather Chapman continues to issue concocted, adulterated depraved Decisions that are all Void and without Legal Effect as they all have been Grounded on Fraud, upon the court, fabricated, ruled against the facts and law; and Issued after his Automatic Disqualification as mandated by the United States Supreme Court, and by the US Constitution, and by CCP.

Chapman has violated the Law with impunity, has chosen to, as defined by the US Supreme Court:


The US Supreme Court has Ruled and Reaffirmed, that:


 Judges do not have discretion not to disqualify themselves,a judge has a legal duty to disqualify himself, even if there is no motion asking for Disqualification. Recusal is self executing. The Judge is obligated to recuse himself sua-sponte in any proceeding his impartiality has been reasonably questioned. Once a observer concludes that a fair and impartial hearing is unlikely, the judge must automatically Disqualify himself.

These Rules and Laws are Mandates of the United Stares Of America. Chapman believes that this is the "United States of Chapman" or the "United States of California". Both are incorrect.

Further, Chapman has lied, cheated, refused to hold legitimate Hearings, has flouted the Law and has now by his Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, and Cheating the Constitution, has become a corrupt Judicial Crook. If he knows the laws he has broken them to cover-up felonious and documented acts of theft extortion and embezzlements and if he claims to be ignorant of the Law, he surely must be Disqualified and Removed.

Either way, we will have delivered this Chapman-Sulmeyer, Burke, Siebert Pavia, Richardson Federal Criminal Conduct to Federal Authorities for their Review.

These State Court Judicial abuses, flim-flam and corruption hurting million of Citizens will be Sanatized.

Thursday, March 31, 2016



The BOILER ROOM is a Division of Scams Inc, a internet News Investigation and Reporting Organization. We have been watching the unethical activities of Sulmeyer Kupetz Esqs (Sulmeyer) and some of their Partners and Associates, including Howard Eherenberg and David J. Richardson Esqs. This Law Office practices cheating, trickery and corruption manipulating the rules of law to permit their unsavory supposed clients to extort, embezzle and rob the adversary. So that Sulmeyer Kupetz can share in the emoluments of their perverted and depraved frauds upon the Courts. We have the proof and if the Sulmeyer Lawyers wish to refute these charges, we welcome theit objections with proofs that we are wrong. We repeat that:

 "Richardson and Sulmeyer Kupetz are cheats, corrupt and misuse the court to extort their Victim Adversaries".

We have recently watching Richardson's unethical acts both in and outside the Courtrooms in California engaging in perjury and fraud to allow clients John Siebert and Joseph M. Burke Esq's larceny, racketeering and over $55Million in embezzlements. We have been convinced from observing and reading Pleadings crafted by Richardson and Sulmeyer from 2014, that these persons have and continue to engage in lying, not Lawyering, and their policy is "we dont have to know the case, all we need to know is the Judge".

During 2014 we watched and recorded these lawyers frauds, trickery, perjury, and racketeering in a scheme to aid a convicted sex-pervert Dr John Siebert and a corrupt lawyer Joseph M. Burke, in a robbery and embezzlement scheme to loot over $55Million, by a courthouse Stick-up. Lying to the Judge in California Superior Court Chapman. Filing false documents. Illegally appearing knowing that Richardson violated the Court Regulations. All geares to Obstruct Justice and deprive Due Process by Mail and Wire fraud, 18 USC 1341 and 18 USC 1343.

We saw Richardson file perjured Pleadings, File false, fabricated Cases, suborn the perjury of Burke and Siebert and continue to defile and defraud the California federal Court by proffering lies, deception and fraud in pleadings and at Oral Arguments. Richardson is a cheat, a sociopath and a criminal. He misuses the Court to allow his Criminal Clients to further theit Robberies, and Racketeering. This corrupt Lawyer Richardson misquotes Statutes, misquotes laws, purges evidence, engages in perjured hearsay, fabricated false evidence, and suborns his corrupt and convicted clients. Siebert has been convicted of sexually molesting his Victims, he has been kicked out of NY State for being a depraved sex-pervert Doctor and a accused Pedophile. Siebert has engaged in Perjury, extortion of Patients who Reported him to Law Enforcement and who stood up to Burke's and Partner Kenneth V. Gomez's extorting Ms Rachel a Siebert Victim.  Richardson lies about these and other of Siebert's Frauds, including Rampant Tax Evasion of millions, Siebert's thefts from California Businesses by larceny.

 These and other of Richardson's fraud, trickery, mail and wire fraud have been carefully assembled and turned over to law enforcement.

Now Richardson's crimes have been again proved by Richardson engaging in acts before the Superior Court Riverside, CA that further proves that he has and continues to be engaged in fraud, larceny and trickery again in a depraved scheme to rob and cheat. Judge Chapman has been the target of Richardson's fraud upon the Court and violations of California Statutes mandating his Removal and referral to Lw enforcement for prosecution.

We have now observed and confirmed that Richardson has engaged in Hearsay, Perjury, Fraud Upon the Court, violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct, willful deception, Unlawful practice of Law, Fraud and Misrepresentation, and a laundry list of violations of California Rules, Statutes and abuses of Legal Process. Richardson's frauds span since 2014 with the same corrupt Clients Siebert and Burke, lying, cheating and manipulation the Court to steer these Cases to a now proved corrupt and Fired Judge Wooten who was bribed by Burk and Siebert.

Further to that Richardson has attempted to lie and cheat to attempt to cover-up his deceptive acts, mail and wire fraud and significantly California CBPCS Section 6128-a.

Richardson has engaged in acts with intent to deceive a court or a party. The penalites for these acts are criminal prosecution and civil damages.

We have evidence of Richardson's repeated acts of deception, misrepresentation, filing bogus and intentionally fraudulent Documents and then lying to try and "squirm-out" when caught.

Sulmeyer and Richardson, aided by Eherenberg and others at that Firm have gone far to far in their lust and greed to further the crimes of clients Siebert and Burke. The pattern is and has been the same and it is not a "mistake". Suleyemer are sadly a corrupt Law Office Practicilg LYING not LAWYERING, all for a pay-day by CHEATING.

Richardson is a documented thief, cheat and a liar, who may well be either a sociopath or suffering from some other mental disorders. It is amazing that this man believes he can continue to engage in these contaminated acts and get away with his transparent and repeatative fraud, fabrications and hearsay. Filing phony Orders to sandbag Others and corrupt the Superior Court and Judges therein.

Richardson has in fact shrouded his client Siebert and has chosen to unethically testify for Siebert about matters that Richardson was not a party to and Siebert was available to himself file declarations. Further, Richardson has rampantly engaged in fraud upon the court, engaged in mail and wire fraud to further the frauds of his and his supposed "clients" Siebert Burke and others for a illicit Pay-Day

Scams Inc has continued to memoralize and Report to Law Enforcement these illegal acts engaged in by Richardson with intent to further the racketeering and grand-larceny of Sulmeyer, Richardson and their racketeering partners, and we believe that the end of these crimes are near as Richardson has now committed clear and irrefutable Thefts, fraud upon the Court, Obstruction of Justice, Trickery and Criminal Fraud.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Scams Inc and its Affilliates, have been investigation the criminal acts of John Siebert, his lawyers Joseph M Burke, Esq, Russo & Burke Esqs, and AbramsDeemer PLLP (a recycled Russo-Burke to cover-up fraud), and Kenneth v Gomez, Esq, and Brian Pecker CPA, of Shine Company CPAs

Siebert  and his above conspirators have been involved in various criminal enterprises for years. They have looted, cheated, corrupted, extorted, embezzled and defrauded many. Some are revealed on numerous Internet News Sites and Scribd.

Siebert has been engaged in tax evasion for many years. In about 2008, he was exposed filing fraudulent Tax Returns, claiming false deductions of fabricated "consulting fees" that in facet were repayments of loans or other investments. Siebert aided by Pecker and Burke attempted to defraud the IRS over about 3-4 years.

The Tax Investigators were informed by Jim Couri that Siebert's tax frauds were in direct contravention to the Contracts, Agreements., Loan Agreements, Resolutions, and Settlement Agreements that Siebert created, swore to and signed. Siebert was found to have engaged in tax evasion.

Then the above group engaged in courthouse fraud, perjury, ghostwriting, bribery, forgery, purging court records, fabricating concocted and false obligations that Siebert claimed he was owed in direct contravention to Settlement Agreements, releases and covenants Siebert Swore to.

Siebert and his lawyers, compromised a corrupt Judge Paul Wooten, who had just recently when the larceny began, became a NY State Supreme Court Judge under incorrect circumstances. Wooten engaged in a pattern of judicial fraud, judicial racketeering, perjury and mutiliation of Due Process, and Obstructing Justice and other illegal and depraved acts, all documented.

Siebert has engaged in corrupt acts by engaging in repeated perjury, fraud on the court and mail and wire fraud.

We have referred these fraudulent felonious and criminal acts to law enforcement and to the Criminal Division of the IRS who have been scrutinizing Siebert and his wife Kimberly tax returns and Siebert's PC returns.

Siebert has robbed Jim Couri, Ben Ossman, Bayberry Capital Corp.,Richard Jacobs, MS. C. Zimmerman, Barbara Polucci, Muriel Karass, Chase Bank, Fleet Bank, Bank Audi, US Trust Bank, 799 Park Ave. Co-Op, and others. Siebert has robbed the IRS by fraud. Siebert has engaged in grand larceny by fraud, mail and wire fraud and bribery aided by Burke and his partners.

Now polluted judge Wooten has been removed from NY Supreme Court 60 Center Street Part 7 on Jan 28, 2016. He is supposedly sent back to Brooklyn. His decisions and orders display a pattern of bias, prejudice, judicial incompetence, judicial fraud on the court and racketeering. In fact Wooten violated every law, rule, Constitutional rights and worse in his quest to railroad Jim Couri for the Fix he was a party to and undenied. Wooten lied cheated, forged, bullied, illegally steered a fraudulent Inquest to a fixed desperate JHO Gammerman and engaged in rampant and proved judicial corruption.

Siebert acts at the Wooten Court has been Reported by us to the CID of the IRS as we have information that Siebert and his corrupt lawyers and Wooten have conspired to again defraud the US Government for millions using fraudulent Documents, Records issued by a corrupted Judge Paul Wooten who sold out his Public Trust to a group of Racketeers for a cash score by defrauding the Government by phony and illegal Wooten Orders.

The moment Siebert files these bogus Returns, we are advised that he, Burke, and Wooten will be collared-arrested.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Tod Alexander Romano was a tenant on the 4th floor of Pavia's Brownstone at 18 e. 73 Street, NYC.
Romano was a wanna-be interior designer who was a night-owel, frequenting gay bars and dance clubs around NYC.

On the 3rd floor was the senior citizen and ill tenant who uncovered the Pavias illegal activities and their failure to Register their brownstone with the DHCR and also refusing to admit that this brownstone built in about 1856 with 7 rental apartments was required to be Rent Controlled and rent stabilized in its entirety. The tenant does not wish his name to be used so again we will call him Mr Jones (Jones).

Romano was a self indulgent sort, coming in at all hours of the morning at about 2AM to 3AM. He would often engage in sexual acts right above the Jones apartment on the 3rd floor, as Romano's bedroom was directly above Jones Bedroom. These moaning and groaning of Romano ad his "sex-partner" would awaken Mr and Mrs Jones, who were trying to sleep and enjoy the supposed "quiet-enjoyment" of their apartment. These sexual escapades of Romano became incessant during the work week. Jones complained to Pavia, but nothing was done as mandated by a owner-and occupant of the Brownstone.

Then Romano one day and without Approvals from the Department of Buildings and from the Pavias, began construction in his 4th floor apartment by a unlicensed contractor. This worker somehow caused a fire in the Romano 4th floor apartment that became a blaze in only a few minutes imperiling the entire building and the safety of all occupants. The Fire Dept. was summoned and about 3 Fire Trucks and 6 Firemen appeared and by timely luck doused the fire, but causing smoke and water damage to Jones apartment, furnishings as well as the Pavia Apartment as well.

George and Antonia sued Romano in NY Supreme Court for Negligence and damage ( Index # 103754-99). Jones had sued Romano for Interference to quiet enjoyment and damages (Index # 113796-98). Romano's lawyer Jacques Catafago negotiated a Settlement with Jones and Romano, who Stipulated that he would stop the Late evening "soiree-commotions".

Pavia's collected damages for the fire and loss in the Building 18 E 73 St. NYC from Romano's Insurer. Soon after Romano vacated his apartment and moved a few blocks away.

When Jones secured Rent Stabilization at the Brownstone, and Pavia's began their racketeering scheme to pollute the court bribe and pervert Madden, cheat, lie and extort, Pavia went to Romano so he could concoct a story that Jones was nasty to Romano, a blatant lie, Jones only sought quier enjoyment, but Pavia had other plans so he could cheat his way to getting Jones out of his Rent-Stabilized Status, cheat and lie to the other tenants and empty the brownstone so Pavias could enjoy a illegal $20million windfall by trickery fraud and racketeering.

Pavia compromise Romano to lie and state that Jones "yelled at him" for Romano's moaning and groaning while engaging in some-kind of sex acts. Romano failed to confess to the fact that Pavia's sued him and in Court Complaint called Romano a undesirable and negligent tenant and that they wanted him out of their brownstone. You se the Pavias are like whores, self indulgent and interested in only themselves. They will lie, cheat, bribe, steal and engage in Mafia style acts to get what they want ant the expense of anyone who stands up to them.

The interesting scenario was that After Romano lied, and engaged in perjury orchestrated by Pavia, Madden and Lawyers Kenneth Gomez and Jay Itkowitz, within about 2 months, Romano like maqic, had sufficient Cash to Lease a large Shop on Lexington Avenue and 74th Street NYC, renovate it, stock it with antiques and call it "Todd Alexander Romano Decorators and Antiques".

Based on the MO of the Pavias, Romano's admitted lack of funds, and the Pavia's racketeering enterprise successful in lootting Jones rent stabilized home, theft of Jones'$230,000.00 in Med-Mal Settlement and a illegal theft-windfall of $20million sale of 18 E 73 St Empty, thanks to the corrupt conduct of Fixed Judge Joan Madden, Pavias crimes of filing False Pleadings, robbing Jones in other Cases and using Madden to spearhead the Pavia ongoing racketeering enterprise, "reasonable-inference" and the facts clearly point to the bribery of Romano to railroad Jones.

Romano went from a worker at Ingrau & Company to a supposed  Nes-Cafe Society Decorator. But true to form,  Todd Alexander Romano was called a Decorator-thief-swindler by Tommy Hilfiger's wife Susan who then Filed Suit against Romano in Supreme Court NYC, ( Case Index # 154224-2012)  charging Romano with conversion, negligence and squandering her money including defrauding Ms Hilfiger out of $100,000 in unearned Fees, and $10million in moneys that was supposed to be used for "Purchases" for her.

Tod Romano is a unprincipled social climber, a perjurer and a negligent person. The Pavias in 1999 calld him a undesirable "idiot" then in 2006-2007 embraced this undesirable and bribed Romano to testify falsely in the Judge Madden Court, lying about Jones so Pavias could steal and rob yet again.

How much the Pavias paid Romano for his Perjury, we do not know, but we  do know that Corrinne Pulitzer the Pavia minion and realitor (According to Corrine she is from the famed Pulitzer Family) for years and who recommended Jones for his Tenancy also lied for the Pavias in the Madden Court and Pulitzer, as a quid-pro-quo, made-off with over $1million as a supposed Broker-fee for arranging the $19.5Million sale of 18 E. 73 Street, planting of false Articles in The Observer, The Real Deal and otherr publications.

This in order to "whitewash the Pavia's crimes and "bad-mouth" Joness. Ms Pulitzer further aided Pavia in cheating Jones and others out of Rent Stabilization,  and maligning Jones whom she recommended as a tenant in the first place and who knew that the Pavias 18 E. 73 Street NYC home was legally a rent-stabilized Building. But what the hell, money is money no matter who you stick-up to get it, even foe a Pulitzer.

This disgusting exercise of Pavia's manipulation of a Perverted and corrupt Judge Madden, purge evidence, suborn perjury and rob $20million by a NY State Courthouse "stick-up" must be exposed and justice served.

Friday, January 8, 2016


George Pavia Esq, his desperate social climbing wife Antonia, and his cheating drug-abusing son Julian have used George Pavias law license as a front to cheat, lie, bribe and defraud the IRS, their Rent-Stabilized tenants at 18 East 73 Street NYC, and engage in racketeering using the Pavia "Bag-man" a part-time lawyer, a proven extortonist, internet fraudster and thief Kenneth V. Gomez. Gomez has been "pimping" for Pavia and convicted sex-pervert John Siebert for many years. Gomez has engaged in perjury, fraud on the court, collusion with Helmsley Enterprises at the direction og Pavia to rob by fraud-on-the -court, over $200,000.00 in medicare liened funds and money belonging to a cancer patient.

Pavia recruted Gomez to engage in rampant fraud, trickery, perjury and worse before NY Supreme Court Judge Joan Madden. They orchestrated a scheme to deprive Due-Process, secrete evidence, file illegal criminal charges, cause Madden to preclude proof and findings that the Pavias engaged in perjury, forgery and thefts at the Dept of Buildings in NYC and at the DHCR and Ecb Court in NYC.

Gomez, Pavias and Madden engaged in a scheme to railroad a legitimate Claim and embraced the Pavia's perjury, their acts of mail and wire fraud, hiding the proven "Hazardous" conditions at their 18 E 73 St Building as found by DOB Inspectors over 7 times and Affirmed after Hearings at ECB Court. Madden preclkuded all of this and concocted a scam of allowing Pavia and Gomez to claim that a tenant was a nusuance for responding to Pavias harassment, hazardous conditions and cheating by faxes to Pavia's office. The Nusuance Statute meanwhile requires such Nusuance Acts to be within the Building. Madden aided Pavia's fraud, perjury thefts, forgery and would not allow any DOB Inspectors to testify. Madden was bribed by the Pavias who ended up robing Rent Stabilization secured by the DHCR who proved Pavias lied and cheated and who recruted a mafia-career criminal Ted Kohel to be their "witness" at the DHCR. Madden condoned this as well.

So the Pavias, by arceny, cheating and bribery robed rebt stabilization and were illegall enriched by $20million re the sale illegally Empty 18 E 73 St NYC, over $200K in medicare theft and millions in tax evasion.

Further the Pavias Gomez Madden and others then railroaded the Tenant that found-them out with other Corrupted Judges at 60 Center Street NY Supreme Court. Madden has made a crusade of Retaliation, spite and worse along with Pavia Gomez and his Partner Joseph M Burke Esq and accused Pedophile and suspended Dr John Siebert.

To further prove the Vicious and Diabolic acts of Madden and Pavias, Madden issued a Bogus Order stating that the Pavias could not be Sued unless Madden granted permission to do so. If this is not clear and convincing further evidence of Madden's corruption and larceny, we have a 747 aircraft to sell you for one thousand dollars.

Pavia is a lawyer, a proven thief. The Irs recently found that the Pavias in fact engaged in documented and multi-million dollar Tax Evasion. The Pavial have been proven by the ECB Court to have engaged in perjury and fraud. The Dept of Buildings charged the Pavias with forgery and the Filing of a "False Certificate of Correction" re their 18 E 73 St Building. The Pavias were convicted at the ECB Court and the Conviction Affirmed on Appeal. Pavias chose not to perform the mandated and Hazardous conditions at 18 E 73 St thus  further imperriling the safety of the very tenant Pavia, Gomez, Madden robed, cheated and have Targeted.

Pavia is now a trapped Rat, as all of his, his wife, Gomez, Burke, Siebert and others have been carefully retained, assembled with evidence of this racketeering scheme. Pavia has been living in a fancy Park Ave Building, lying, cheating and using other persons money unjustly obtained to further the Pavia charade. The Pavias will soon find out that their cheating days are over and the time has come that all of their ill-gotten gains will evaporate, and Antonia will reappear as the "bag-lady" that she is and George will become more contorted, vicious and exposed as to what he has been since he Ratted on many Jews as a Mussollini Facist. Georges putting others in the "gas-Chamber" gave George a "Pass" to escape the Facist-Nazi torment and get to America so George could cheat, lie and rob US Citizens. George and his wife are cheating social climbers using others "blood-money" and robed homes to live on a cloud. They are as bad as the Nazi Dr Mengele.